活动主题:欢迎美国阿克伦大学Jie Zheng 教授来访
2016年6月15日上午,美国阿克伦大学Jie Zheng教授应本实验室梁桂兆教授邀请从美国来访,进行为期5天的学术及实验室间的合作交流活动。本实验室成员在梁桂兆教授的指导下负责接待,与Jie Zheng教授就新形势下生物信息学的未来发展方向,及实验室间的进一步深度合作进行了深入探讨,经过本次交流,本实验室成员收获颇多,对国外生物学领域的新动态有了更加深入的了解,并就两实验室间的交流互通及进一步合作达成一致,对本实验室未来的发展起到了很大的推动作用,真心感谢Jie Zheng教授的热情来访!
Jie Zheng 教授简介:
Jie Zheng is a Professor at the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at the University of Akron. He began his independent career as a tenured-track Assistant Professor in October, 2007. He was early tenured and promoted to Associate Professor (2012) and Full Professor (2016). In 2015, he was elected as a fellow at Institute for Life-Span Development & Gerontology.
Scientist, National Cancer Institute, NIH, 2007 (with Prof. Ruth Nussinov)
Ph.D, Chemical Engineering, University of Washington, 2005 (with Prof. Shaoyi Jiang)
M.S., Chemical Engineering, Zhejiang University, 1999
B.S., Chemical Engineering, Zhejiang University, 1995
Editor: PLoS One; J. of Colloid Science and Biotechnology, MRS Advances
Editorial Board: Chinese J. Chemical Engineering; The Scientific World Journal